Life has many ups and downs, some have more ups and others have more downs. Life, in my opinion, is a path that fate determines. A wise friend said, you have to grab happiness with both hands and hold on with all your might. She is a loyal friend who has stood by me for nearly 6 years, she knows who she is and I love her to bits for being so awesome. She will, however, remain nameless as she is easily embarrassed though.

Because of the past I find it very difficult to trust other people as easily as I would have done years ago as a teenager. I, therefore, choose my friends wisely. This may sound as if I am being a complete wotsit but if you had been through some of the things I have then I am sure you would be the same.

Every friend in my mobile phone book and in my email address book is important to me. I would hope everyone of those friends know that they can text or call or email me knowing full well they will not be judged, they will be loved!

Friends, whether they be ‘online’ or ‘real life’, have been an incredible support in recent days. Yes dear reader, I have another confirmed abscess. You see last Friday, the day after I stopped having dressing changes altogether, Wound 1 seemed a bit tender. I had a good poke and prod like any HS sufferer does to see whether it was more like a spot (that means it is a cyst thus meaning no surgical intervention) or whether it was like a mass under the skin (abscess). There was what appeared to be a small collection of pus from halfway down the wound until a small way after. I did not want to be right and was hoping it was all in my mind or even scar tissue or bruising perhaps?

I spoke to my fabulous friend Kirsty who has recently had an operation but also knows what am I going through as she has had abscesses too. She reassured me with her kind words, the kind of thing you need to hear. Kirsty is lovely and I am fully aware she knows that I love her to bits too! I also have another amazing friend, Teri. Teri has a rare cancer as well as Crohns and she is such a strong person, She amazes me with her strength despite how she may feel when things are not too good. I know abscesses are not necessarily life threatening (that does actually depend where they are mind you) but when you get them like a teenager gets spots it can leave you feeling a bit deflated that’s for sure!

I had to wait all weekend before seeing a GP and I knew I would have to take a gamble on whether I would get an appointment. Fortunately I managed to get an appointment yesterday, Monday, afternoon with one of the locum GP’s. I arrived with plenty of time to spare and checked in, and waited; waited some more and then a bit more waiting after that. Eventually one of the receptionists said that the locum had not arrived, she then arranged for me to see one of the other GP’s. Unfortunately, the GP confirmed my worse fears and confirmed that there was definately an abscess. It is now just a waiting game, a game that I am well aware of. It does not seem fair that someone has to go through this so much. I shall be updating as and when possible as the situation arrives.

A very sweet friend from Twitter, Kirsty (not the same Kirsty as before), is an Army wife. She has very kindly offered to hold an event on my birthday in aid of the British Association for Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Kirsty is a diamond that’s for sure.

Right I had better get this posted so lovely people like yourself can read this, I shall keep you informed as to the abscess situation whether it be on here or on Twitter.

Keep well and keep safe, remember life is precious and you only get one chance at life.

Marmite xx